The Importance of Diversification in Managing Financial Risk

In the fast-changing financial world of today, as a rule it is increasingly crucial for investors to think about bearing risks.The most old-fashioned and still best tool for reducing finance risk is the use of diversification diversification in financial theory, for instance, goes back millennia; a good example is to trade beads or cloth with money.

The Role of Asset Allocation

Investment diversification is not just about different sectors within the stock market. A broad-based portfolio is comprised of wide ranging classes of assets which have differing risk profiles and respond to changes in economic conditions very differently. Major Examples of assets are:Stocks-While stocks provide the potential for growth, volatility is high.Obligations-Generally speaking, bonds are less risky than shares; they are designed to provide income and maintain principal i.e in times of depressed economic activity.

For example, you can use gold, oil, or vfoodstuffs as an. Thus commodities offer a hedge against inflation. They also provide protection against periodic difficulties in individual product markets.

Tanga table assets like real estate provide both income and residual earnings at the same time. While differing considerably from stocks and bonds as an asset type, they too spread risks.

For example, within each category nature may provide other methods of diversification.A moderately diversified approach within the stock market would be for an investor to purchase stocks issued from companies in different industries and sectors—for instance, healthcare and finance.

Spreading Worldwide the News

Carrying this concept of diversification still further, geographic exposure is another important consideration. Notice that one economic region may be at an early developmental stage, while another is reaching maturity or has already reached it. If an investor spreads his investments around the globe, he can largely avoid the downturns that might be experienced in any single country’s economy. Thus a portfolio very heavy in U.S. stocks or a general economic decline in the United States would send such investments to market value levels well below their true worth. Conversely, if the investor has a postion in such developing countries as Scandinavia or Africa, then they may flourish even as parts of the world grow poorer.

The Reduction of Volatility and Risk

The principal benefit of diversification is a reduction in volatility. Volatility, in financial terms, refers to the extent of price variability. A highly volatile asset can have many sharp price turns in a short period of time, which is risky for investors.

“Spread our risks with other risks,” says the world of finance. “Balance” is the secret and it is carried out through prudent investment and diversification.

Different Assets Perform Themselves

Diversifying smoothes out returns because different assets respond differently to economic conditions. During an economic downturn, for example, stocks may decline in value but bond prices often rise as investors flock to safe havens and shun riskier assets. By owning both types of investment, one’s portfolio benefits from both types of movements and it cushions the impact of falling from either one of these altitudes can be lessened somewhat.

Increase Long Term Returns

The diversified portfolio should over time do better on average than investment concentrated in one sector. Not only does diversification help manage risk, it in fact raises the overall rate of return.Over time a diversified portfolio will on average do better than an equivalent one concentrated in any single asset.Like income, capital savings, and earnings from work, the steadiness which comes out of this can only be beneficial for investors who have their eye on longer-term retirement.Over time, the net risk suffered by a portfolio remains far less than what is true in periods of market turbulence. Investors are therefore more likely to maintain a hold rather than succumb to the all-too-common tendency toward panic selling when markets veer sharply off course. In the long run, this steady, disciplined approach to investing can both reduce risk and propel returns. At the very least it should help investors to sleep better at night.

The Limits of Diversification

However, while diversification is an essential part of managing risk, it is not the whole answer. At times of extreme market tension, such as during the global financial crisis of 2007–2009 that many will have seen on television, connections between asset classes will typically become even stronger than at other times.When times are very rough, even a diversified portfolio may lose all its money simultaneously through various different means or all at once.

And also, when you own too many investments (excessively diversified), the give-away is plain to all who can see.Dinners and back-slapping with City people will doubtless furnish fund managers with the right life style but there must come a point when sticking more money into the pot does not reduce risk as easily as had been hoped. Instead it will accompany poorer returns hand-in-hand.



As shown infig, diversification is the process of spreadingomewhere. investment across different asstet typex, regions and sectors of the equity market to manage financial risk. In this way we mightup reduce single sorts of exposure and long-term returns can beenhanced ㄎ ㄧ。 together.


Although diversification cannot remove all risk, it takes apart many of the strange unacceptable risks in finance.


What is finally desired is an investment lot that, in searching for better returns, also manages to find these but incorporates environmental risk. In the context of this portfolio, the overall movements over time are relatively easy to foresee and so they tend to be more predictable and less wildthan usual.

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